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Une Oeuvre en métal repoussé à la main de Maurice Livat au salon de l’UAA,

Titre, Le 3ème Oeil de l’esprit Buduh 

Technique de 1500 ans av JC utilisée pour ses créations artistiques contemporaines

La première exposition sur les Buduh à fasciné les visiteurs. Après prolongation de l’exposition ils étaient 2500 à rêver

Article de presse

Maurice Livat, painter and sculptor working wood, stone, metal, and other techniques. Maurice Livat developed concepts such as the number of gold Buduh and his magic square.
His book « Buduh alchemists and the magic square of Europeans » just be reissued to the society of the writers in Paris.
Market arts works of Maurice Livat are rare and you find no less than 7000 $.
His paintings and sculptures can reach 12000 dollars.
Artist to follow

Maurice Livat, painter and sculptor working wood, stone, metal, and other techniques. Maurice Livat developed concepts such as the number of gold Buduh and his magic square.

His book « Buduh alchemists and the magic square of Europeans » just be reissued to the society of the writers in Paris.

Market arts works of Maurice Livat are rare and you find no less than 7000 $.

His paintings and sculptures can reach 12000 dollars.

Artist to follow


Maurice Livat, painter and sculptor working wood, stone, metal, and other techniques. Maurice Livat developed concepts such as the number of gold Buduh and his magic square.

His book « Buduh alchemists and the magic square of Europeans » just be reissued to the society of the writers in Paris.

Market arts works of Maurice Livat are rare and you find no less than 7000 $.

His paintings and sculptures can reach 12000 dollars.

Artist to follow